Monday, November 17, 2014

"How can I feel what you feel?"


MY DAD!  He's been a Citizen of the United States of America for exactly 3 days now and I'm so proud of him!  

Yesterday was Ellison Green's and Hna. Rivera's birthday!!! I love you both so dearly and I hope it was marrrvelous  :-)

ALSO. My best friend's birthday is this week. CAMERON SCOTTLAND. I hope it's amazing!!!   I love you and miss you lots!  :-)

AND TARYN HOLY COW IS COMING TO MI QUERIDA BOLIVIA. OH MY GOSH!! SHE IS GOING TO LOVE IT HERE!! EXCEPT … depressing. You get here the day I leave… hopefully we see each other :-) I love you!

 My pensionista (mission mom...) I love her. she reminds me SO MUCH of my Aunt Monica... haha she is so sarcastic and so hilarious.

Our relief society president got robbed... and her stuff, her house was a mess and we all went and help put it all back together.   She is so amazing and we love her. She even turned on MOTAB as we cleaned. haha We love her. Pray for her.

 Cleaning the house with the president's son. He is leaving to serve a mission next year. I love this family!!!

I love being a missionary soooo much. On Monday, all of us Hermanas went together to get ice cream and today we're gonna go hang out with some friends we have in the ward, Gabriela and Carla. They are part of JAS (YSA) and they have begging us to go hang out with them and do "girl stuff for weeks… so here we are on p-day :-) we're excited. Stay tuned for fotos… next week. Haha

We are starting to have a little more success when it comes to investigators. We're teaching a boy named G*******, the boyfriend of Ca***  :-) We started teaching him last week, and he is sooo determined to receive an answer if the Church is true or not. Tuesday we visited him for the 2nd time and he still hadn’t received his answer… on Thursday he said he STILL didn’t feel anything.

And all the while… he is still so amazing. And I'm so excited for him to receive his answer because just the fact that he asks us "what am I doing wrong? How can I feel what you feel?" makes me KNOW that he is sincere, and if He is asking God sincerely, that is not a prayer that God will ignore. I'm so excited for him to receive what he's looking for.
We also found and investigator named Ve***** a while ago and we've just had the hardest time finding her again. Finally, on Thursday night, we found her! When we got to her front door, we were planning on teaching her about La Restauración, de José Smith y todo.(The Restoration and Joseph Smith and everything.)

But as we were standing there outside, Hna. Briviesca and I remembered that she'd said something about one of her parents passing away… and maybe we shouldn’t talk about Lesson 1, but actually THE PLAN OF SALVATION – THAT FAMILIES CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER.

So we go in her house and we start talking and I see an old couple in another room and I ask who they are and she says that they are HER PARENTS. So they're… alive. But Hermana Briviesca already has the pamphlet for The Plan of Salvation out and I'm like… this is so awkward….

And I didn’t want to teach lesson 2 anymore!! I wanted to go back to our original plan… but it was too late. So WHATEVER – we started to teach about The Plan of Salvation.
After just talking about the premortal life, she asks "and where to babies go that are born and then die….?" and we start talking about it and we find out that she can't have children. That she has had many many miscarriages and it's something that’s bothered her for so long…

She kept saying "sorry I have so many questions, I've just had them for so long and nobody has ever had answers… and you do."

I couldn’t believe we weren’t going to teach her about the plan of salvation. Wow. It was an amazing lesson and I'm so excited to finish teaching her about it. I'd never had an experience like that… sincerely following the spirit without even knowing why.  It was just… I don’t know. Really special.

I really love being a missionary. I'm so excited for what's to come. I'm so grateful to be over with the whole "learning Spanish" deal so that I can focus on teaching and following the spirit.

I've actually stopped studying Spanish in the mornings and now I study Portuguese. It's such a beautiful language and there are lots of people helping me learn it. I'm actually getting pretty good at it if I do say so myself… ;)

 Me and Hna Briviesca (my companion).
 Me and Hna Briviesca (my companion).

The girls I live with!!  Hermana Rivera (from Ecuador), Hermana Lainez (from Honduras), me and Hna Briviesca (my companion).  We actually love each other a whole lot :)

Hermana Briviesca made this to give to our investigators to hang up in their houses :)

Humble, Hermana Cedeño… humble…

Kay guys. I love you a lot. And I really love Jesus. Especially cuz I just hit chapter 3 nefi in el LDM (Chapter 3 in Nephi in the Book of Mormon) and I just love Him :-)

I love you all!



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